David Alan Smith, Lisa Cooper and Pete Rodriguez were thrilled to recognize several top performing employees on our NASA Marshall Space Flight Center Integrated Program Support Services (MIPSS) Configuration Management/Data Management (CM/DM) contract at last week's MIPSS All Hands meeting.
Sustained Superior Performance Award
Vern Crouch for his continued exceptional support to the Space Launch System (SLS) Program as the JICB/SICB/SERB Secretariat.
On the Spot Awards
Cindi Thomas, Courtney Greene, Meredith Miller, Tammie Hughes and Marcella Logan for exceptional CM/DM support to the SLS Spacecraft/Payload Integration & Evolution (SPIE) element.
Dawn James for excellent support to the SLS Block 1B Flight Software Critical Design Review.
Laura I. for consistent excellence and dedicated focus as the lead for the Jira databases for the SLS Program.