Huntsville, AL Workforce training program created to address today’s digital engineering gap areas in aerospace and defense development.

IDEA, a non-profit national collaborative center supporting Digital Engineering Education and Workforce Development, is taking the next steps in fulfilling its challenge of accelerating the supply of a competent engineering technical workforce. This workforce will have the needed skills to meet the demand for employees capable of building, manipulating and exploiting Model-based System Engineering (MBSE) in the needed Systems Modeling Language (SysML) format.

IDEA in partnership with Calhoun Community College, Auburn University and Victory Solutions offers education and training solutions in Digital Engineering featuring:

• Associates Degree in Systems Engineering Technology (SET)

• Professional and Certificate Programs

• Professional Training Programs

• University Level Electives and Certificates

• Internships and Apprenticeships

These solutions are made possible through funding under the Department of Defense Industrial Base Analysis and Sustainment (IBAS) Program for the continuation of the SET program development and application project including the pathfinder degree at Calhoun Community College. SET creates a new skillset of capable engineering technicians that will enable and accelerate the incorporation of digital engineering into the workplace. The SET curriculum has been developed to align with employers’ needs for workers skilled in emerging systems engineering technologies without requiring a four-year degree.

“We are confident that as the program matures throughout Alabama and our outreach expands to other states, we will see big gains toward filling the talent pipeline with a workforce that possesses more in-demand, hands-on experience with system modeling expertise,” said IDEA Executive Director and SET program Manager, Mr. Chris Crumbly.

Moving forward, the SET program continues to explore opportunities to expand its systems engineering technician curriculum to other schools across Alabama, Mississippi, and Tennessee. Project leaders are in conversations with stakeholders in Texas, Florida, South Carolina, and Georgia for potential expansion. IDEA is also working towards a Department of Labor registered apprenticeship program for SET. These next steps forward require support from industry and community to sponsor IDEA education nodes near MBE/MBSE centers of excellence, to sponsor interns and apprenticeships and to employ SET graduates.

For more information on IDEA and SET curriculum please contact Chris Crumbly, IDEA Executive Director and SET Program Manager at or by email at

Victory Solutions is proud to announce the establishment of VictoryVets, a new Employee Resource Group with a focus on veterans which make up over 18% of the Victory Solutions workforce. VictoryVets is open to all employees and will focus on career development, mentoring, recruitment and community support efforts. VictoryVets is led by John Ryan, our Victory Solutions Chief Operating Officer (COO) and former Army soldier.

NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama, virtually presented its 2021 Industry & Advocate Awards. Victory Solutions is proud to have received the FY2021 Small Business Prime Contractor Excellence Award!

Nominated by the MSFC Engineering Directorate for our work providing configuration/data management (CDM) and information management (IM) services on the Marshall Integrated Program Support Services (MIPSS) contract, we are thankful to our dedicated team of CDM and IM professionals who work at high levels in service of our customers. 

Huntsville, AL (September 2, 2021) – Hurricane Ida has devastated the communities in the southern Louisiana area. With several of our employees having close ties to the region, Victory Solutions purchased food, paper products, cleaning supplies, flashlights, tarps, repair materials and other essential items to support victims of the hurricane and aid in the relief efforts. Employees packed emergency aid boxes of food and essential items to distribute to impacted families in the area.

Huntsville, AL (August 7, 2021) – The Small Victories Committee organized a volunteer opportunity for Victory Solutions employees to work a Saturday at the CASA Garden harvesting fruits and vegetables, weeding raised beds and providing general clean up. The CASA Garden provides nutritious, fresh, organic produce for the elderly and homebound in our community. This is the second time this year Small Victories has organized a volunteer group to work at the CASA Garden. Our thanks to Carol Sivley for coordinating the effort!



Small Victories.png

Information about the services CASA provides including the CASA Garden can be found at

Huntsville, AL (June 19, 2021) –Victory Solutions supported the annual March of Dimes March for Babies raising over $2000 in support of this collective effort to transform the health of moms and babies. Although the March of Dimes conducted their event virtually, Victory Solutions employees met at Big Spring Park for a socially distanced one mile walk around the park. This is the third year employees have participated in the event and met our fundraising goal. Our thanks to Emily Walters for coordinating Victory Solutions participation in this event!


Information about the March of Dimes mission and their efforts can be found at


Victory Solutions is proud to be considered a top contender for the Huntsville/Madison County Chamber of Commerce's Best Places to Work 2021 Competition! The Victory Solutions Team is truly amazing! 


Huntsville, AL — The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has awarded the Consolidated Program Support Services (CPSS) Configuration and Data Management (CDM) contract to Victory Solutions Inc. of Huntsville, Alabama, to provide CDM services at 10 NASA Centers including Huntsville's Marshall Space Flight Center.

As a Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned (SDVO) and Woman-Owned Small Business (WOSB), Victory Solutions is a multiple award-winning company specializing in building relationships with defense and commercial customers to develop, analyze, and integrate advanced aerospace systems. With this contract's award, the potential mission services value is $96.5 million and a maximum potential IDIQ value of $169 million over eight years.

"Victory Solutions is pleased to receive this latest contract as we work to provide solutions to the complex, and ever-changing, problems across the aerospace, defense, and technical engineering industries. This award is not only a reflection of the capabilities of our advanced teams, but also a reflection of our commitment to developing the skills of our employees, building effective teams, and forging partnerships with our customers to identify and solve their problems." - Kris McGuire, Founder/CEO, Victory Solutions.

Victory Solutions will be responsible for providing configuration and data management support to include planning, coordination, technical management, execution, and surveillance for programs, projects, and organizations with directorates and offices that exercise responsibility for their hardware and software products.

For more information, please contact David Alan Smith at