Huntsville, AL – March 6, 2019 Victory Solutions, Inc.  announced that it has been recognized as a Boeing Performance Excellence Award (BPEA) recipient for 2018. Victory Solutions has maintained a minimum of Gold composite performance rating for each month of the performance period from October 1, 2017 to September 30, 2018.  This year, 380 suppliers achieved either Gold or Silver level Boeing Performance Excellence Awards.  Victory Solutions is among 82 suppliers to be awarded the Gold level of recognition. 

Victory Solutions, Inc.’s VP – Business Administration, Lee Ann Hunt was recently chosen for the National Outstanding Chapter Volunteer Award by the National Contract Management Association (NCMA).  The award was made due to her exemplary performance and volunteerism as an NCMA member.  Victory Solutions offers our sincere Congratulations to Ms. Lee Ann Hunt!


“Victory Solutions is a “Best Places to Work” awardee in 2018 as determined by the Huntsville Chamber of Commerce using a survey of our employees. This award honors the “best of the best” member businesses in the Tennessee Valley by celebrating businesses that create an excellent workplace culture through employee engagement, strong leadership and excellent communication. So thank you to our employees for honoring us in the most important way possible: by their willingness to tell the world that Victory Solutions is a company they want to work for!

Victory Solutions, Inc. is proud to announce our selection as the 2017 NASA Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) Small Business Prime Contractor of the Year for support provided under the Marshall Integrated Program Support Services (MIPSS) Configuration Management and Data Management task order.  Victory Solutions is honored to receive this award, considering MSFC has so many outstanding small businesses providing a variety of critical services and products in support of MSFC’s mission. Our recognition would not be possible without the superb and diligent work by our MIPSS employees and subcontractors.

We are additionally excited about the opportunity to represent MSFC as a candidate for the NASA agency-level Small Business Industry Awards. The Center’s award recipients in the categories of Large and Small Business Prime Contractors of the Year and Small Business Subcontractor of the Year become candidates for agency-level Small Business Industry Awards. Victory Solutions looks forward to representing MSFC at the NASA Agency-level Small Business Industry Awards.

An article about the award can be found in the Marshall Star.

Victory Solutions, Inc.(VSI) is pleased that the U.S. Air Force is moving forward with the technology maturation and risk reduction phase of the Ground Based Strategic Deterrent (GBSD) program. With our Aerospace Systems Development and Engineering Analysis Capabilities, Victory Solutions, Inc. is ready to support the Boeing GBSD team.

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Victory Solutions, Inc. has been recognized as Supplier of the Year in the Support & Services category by The Boeing Company. Victory Solutions, Inc. was one of 13 companies honored on April 12, 2017 for distinguished performance in working with Boeing.

In January, Victory Solutions, Inc. was notified that it was one of 480 companies to receive the Boeing Performance Excellence Award which rewards performance excellence. Achieving the Supplier of the Year designation further acknowledges superior performance and labels this class of winners as best of the best.

This year’s recipients represent an elite group among more than 13,000 active Boeing suppliers in nearly 48 countries around the world. This selection was based on stringent performance criteria for quality performance, delivery performance, cost, environmental initiatives, customer service and technical expertise.

 Victory Solutions, Inc. provides asset management and scheduling across the day-to-day Ground-based Midcourse Defense (GMD) operations, maintenance, upgrades, and test ensuring that these activities occur efficiently and effectively to best meet Missile Defense Agency requirements and ensure that defense of the homeland mission is provided 365 days per year.

 “Boeing’s success is a testament to the partnerships we hold with the finest aerospace suppliers in the world such as Victory Solutions,” said Kent Fisher, Boeing’s leader for enterprise Supplier Management. “Together we will continue to deliver affordable, technologically advanced products and services that give our customers a competitive edge.”

“We are extremely grateful to our Boeing customer and our wonderful employees for making this award possible.” – Kris McGuire, CEO

 Contact: Chris Simpson, 256-895-2867

Victory Solutions, Inc. (VSI) was recognized on 23 June 2016 for superior performance under the ESSSA contract supporting Jacobs at NASA Marshall Space Flight Center. This recognition by our customer is a direct result of VSI personnel and their stellar professional support to both NASA and Jacobs.  This was the inaugural Jacobs Supplier Recognition Award ceremony and we are grateful to our Jacobs customer for this honor.

Huntsville, Alabama, February 28, 2015 - Victory Solutions, Inc. today announced that it has received a 2015 Boeing Performance Excellence Award. The Boeing Company issues the award annually to recognize suppliers who have achieved superior performance. Victory Solutions, Inc. maintained a Gold composite performance rating for each month of the 12-month performance period from October 1, 2014 to September 30, 2015.

This year, Boeing recognized 530 suppliers who achieved either a Gold or Silver level Boeing Performance Excellence Award. Victory Solutions, Inc. is one of only 107 Gold Suppliers to receive the Gold Level of recognition. 

Huntsville, Alabama, July 7, 2015 - Victory Solutions, Inc. today announced that it has received a 2014 Boeing Performance Excellence Award.  The Boeing Company issues the award annually to recognize suppliers who have achieved superior performance.  Victory Solutions, Inc. maintained a Gold composite performance rating for each month of the 12 month performance period, from Oct. 1, 2013 to Sept. 30, 2014. 

This year, Boeing recognized 548 suppliers who achieved either a Gold or Silver level Boeing Performance Excellence Award. Victory Solutions, Inc. is one of the 119 suppliers to receive the Gold level of recognition.

Victory Solutions wins Huntsville Chamber of Commerce Award for 2015 Best Places to Work

The Best Places to Work is an annual event for members of the Huntsville Chamber of Commerce.  Of the more than 200 area businesses nominated for the Best Places to Work award for 2015 only 12 were selected as winners. Best Places to Work winners are judged in the following categories of micro (10-20), small (21-35), medium (36-149) and large (150+ local employees).  Awards are based on a survey that asks employees to rate their company against criteria that includes team effectiveness, retention probability, job satisfaction and benefits.  Victory Solutions was chosen in the “medium” company category. Tharon Honeycutt, the Chamber’s Vice Chair for Small Businesses and Events, said, “Employees and businesses are recognized by their peers for their contributions and the overall impression within their workforce, and in the community, making this a very special award. Congratulations to all our contenders, and to our award winners – the torch is passed to you now – keep making us proud!”