Congratulations to Stan Phillips on receiving the Mission Specialty Award from the NASA Microgravity and Life Sciences Glovebox Team! Stan, a DPA employee and member of our NASA Marshall Space Flight Center Configuration and Data Management MIPSS team, provides CM support to the International Space Station (ISS) on three different projects. This award recognizes Stan for his hard work, dedication and commitment in providing CM support to the Microgravity and Life Sciences Glovebox Team. Congratulations Stan and thank you for continuing to provide excellent support to the ISS program!
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Victory Solutions is honored to be recognized as NASA's Small Business Prime Contractor of the Year! This Agency-level award highlights the company's significant contributions in advancing NASA’s space exploration objectives through the NASA Marshall Space Flight Center Integrated Program Support Services (MIPSS) Configuration Management and Data Management (CM&DM) prime contract.
“NASA's recognition energizes our pursuit of further advancements in aerospace and defense related system modeling,” said Kris Mcguire, CEO & Founder of Victory Solutions. “Our mission extends beyond today’s processes and tools; it’s about making meaningful technical improvements and inspiring future innovators.”
David Alan Smith, kris mcguire, Pete Rodriguez, Lisa Cooper and Susan Heeschen celebrated with the MIPSS CM&DM team, congratulating them for their professionalism, teamwork, dedication and exceptional customer focus which led to this prestigious NASA award!
Victory Solutions Named NASA's Small Business Prime Contractor of the Year - Chamber Member News - cm - Huntsville/Madison County Chamber (

Dan Hicks, Chief Engineer of Digital Engineering for Victory Solutions, offered our MSFC Configuration Management and Data Management (CMDM) team and NASA customers Model-Based System Engineering (MBSE) CMDM-Based Overview training last week. Our CMDM team is learning more about MBSE and how its application may be used to continuously improve our CMDM processes supporting NASA Marshall Space Flight Center programs and projects.

David Alan SmithLisa Cooper and Pete Rodriguez were thrilled to recognize several top performing employees on our NASA Marshall Space Flight Center Integrated Program Support Services (MIPSS) Configuration Management/Data Management (CM/DM) contract at last week's MIPSS All Hands meeting.
Sustained Superior Performance Award
Vern Crouch for his continued exceptional support to the Space Launch System (SLS) Program as the JICB/SICB/SERB Secretariat.
On the Spot Awards
Cindi Thomas, Courtney Greene, Meredith MillerTammie Hughes and Marcella Logan for exceptional CM/DM support to the SLS Spacecraft/Payload Integration & Evolution (SPIE) element.
Dawn James for excellent support to the SLS Block 1B Flight Software Critical Design Review.
Laura I. for consistent excellence and dedicated focus as the lead for the Jira databases for the SLS Program. 

Thanks to Dan Hicks for an excellent Model Based System Engineering (MBSE) training session focused on our NASA NASA Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) Configuration and Data Management Team last Friday. This supports MSFC Digital Transformation efforts especially in support of Space Launch Systems (SLS) future missions.

Victory Solutions is proud to have entered into a Cooperative Agreement Notice (CAN) effort with NASA Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC). This CAN will demonstrate the effective use of Model Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) to complete typical design milestone-type reviews using a digital thread-based Product Lifecycle Management process for the Space Nuclear Propulsion (SNP) Program. Applying this data centric approach will enhance overall design review efficiency including ease of reviewer access, control board changes using a digital model, and cost-effective model reuse for future SNP reviews throughout the program lifecycle. Victory Solutions looks forward to supporting the SNP Program with a technology demonstration approach that combines our NASA Configuration Data Management expertise with ongoing MSFC digital transformation efforts.

Victory Solutions held a Ten + Year Anniversary lunch honoring employees with ten or more years of service at Bravo Italian Kitchen yesterday. Employees enjoyed a family style Italian lunch with Kris McGuire, CEO, and David Alan Smith, President, recognizing each employee individually. Many great memories were shared and a wonderful time was had by all!
Lisa Cooper, Angie McCrary, Pete Rodriguez, Chris McLemore, Sivley Carol, David Alan Smith, Terri Lovett, Karen Owens, Beverly Toney, Dan Hicks, Jason Browne, Laura Prater, Dannie Cochran, kris mcguire, Bob Riggle, David Parker, Vern Crouch, Kasondra Gipson, Todd Cumming

Victory Solutions is honored to have received the NASA Marshall Space Flight Center 2023 Small Business Prime Contractor of the Year Award at the Marshall Small Business Alliance Meeting and MSFC FY23 Industry and Advocate Awards. The award is in recognition of the exemplary performance provided to the MSFC Engineering Directorate and Space Launch System Program Office under the Configuration and Data Management Contract. Kris McGuire, Founder and CEO, and Dr. Pete Rodriguez, Chief Technology Officer, accepted the award. Thanks to all of our employees and teammates whose hard work, dedication and outstanding performance led to receipt of this prestigious award.

Congratulations to Carol Sivley who was recently honored at the NASA Marshall Space Flight Center Agency Honor Awards Ceremony with the NASA Exceptional Public Service Medal presented by acting MSFC Center Director, Joseph Pelfrey and NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Director Mackenzie Lister! This prestigious award recognizes non-Government individuals whose sustained performance has made significant improvement to NASA deliverables or operations, whose achievements serve as a benchmark for other contributors and whose services have made a lasting impact to the success of the Agency. Carol serves as the Deputy Configuration Manager for the Space Launch System (SLS) Program on the Victory Solutions MIPSS team. Thank you Carol for setting an amazing example of leadership, professionalism and dedication for our team each and every day!
#leadership #recognitionawards #excellence #victorysolutions

The Space Launch System (SLS) Configuration and Data Management Team had a great time at a picnic yesterday celebrating their many accomplishments and contributions to the SLS Program. The hot dogs and hamburgers were grilled to perfection and a great time was had by all! Since the event coincided with the NASA Marshall Space Flight Center Take Our Children to Work Day, several employees' children and grandchildren were able to share in the event and learn more about the many exciting things going on at MSFC.